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Version 20.5 available

Posted: 06 May 2020, 18:27
by Christian
- Added "Create HLine" for Fibos
- Added "Duplicate Draw Object"
- Added measure presentation for lines
- Bugfix: Mailer
- Bugfic: Duplicate Draw Line can result in crash
- Bugfix: Closing Charts by Windows Dialog can result in aunavailable windows.
- Bugfix: Trading in simulation mode
- Triangle: Added Price: BvsA, Time BvsA, ftEvsD
- Workspace: Added storing of toolbars
- Added TradingTape
- Updated Entry/Position presentation
- Added Elliot-Wave Option: Hide '0'

Re: Version 20.5 available

Posted: 24 May 2020, 22:35
by Christian
- Drawing: Prevented Dblklick while in draw mode
- Added fundamental info (for IB users only)
- Draw-Object Selection dialogs will select the selected object in view
- Bugfix: Create chart with date before 1970
- Bugfix: "Drop Duplicates" is not saved between the sessions