Duplicate Counts - More comments in Output would be helpful

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Duplicate Counts - More comments in Output would be helpful

Post by ABC » 13 Jan 2022, 10:44

It would be helpful to state the timeframes and BOTH wave types in the output.

Currently it looks like:

10:31:43 Warning : Duplicate count of fibo 100.0%
Using wave ABC, 100.0%
Dropping wave ABC, 100.0%

Example of better output:

10:31:43 Warning : Duplicate count of fibo 100.0%: ABC in H4 <<>> 1-2-3-4-5 in D1
Using wave ABC, 100.0%
Dropping wave ABC, 100.0%

if there is an opportunity to additionally mention the names of both Alternatives, then it is even better

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Re: Duplicate Counts - More comments in Output would be helpful

Post by Christian » 13 Jan 2022, 11:10

Ok, I will check this ;-)

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